Literals and operators

Integers 1, floating-Point numbers 1.2, characters 'a', strings "abc", booleans true and the nulltype abyss can be expressed using literals.

Integers can also be expressed using octal, binary or hexadecimal 0x00, 0o00, 0b00.

Numeric literals can directly be typed using the suffixes i<number of bits>, u<number of bits> or f<number of bits>.

Operators and upcasting are similar to other C-likes, with the addition of the power operator ^.

Tty.WriteLn("1 + 2 = ${1u32 + 2}")

Tty.WriteLn("1 - 2 = ${1i32 - 2}")

Tty.WriteLn("true AND false is ${true && false}")
Tty.WriteLn("true OR false is ${true || false}")
Tty.WriteLn("NOT true is ${!true}")

Tty.WriteLn("0011 AND 0101 is ${0b0011 & 0b0101}")
Tty.WriteLn("0011 OR 0101 is ${0b0011 | 0b0101}")
Tty.WriteLn("0011 XOR 0101 is ${0b0011 xor 0b0101}")
Tty.WriteLn("1 << 5 is ${1 << 5}")
Tty.WriteLn("0x80 >> 2 is {0x80 >> 2}")